About me

I'm a Undergarduate in Statistics, Computer Science and Mathematics from Colombo, Sri Lanka, passionate in Data Science and AI developments. I enjoy turning complex problems into simple leveragaing AI and data-driven desicion making.

What i'm doing

  • Gen AI icon

    Generative AI Developments

    Innovative and cutting-edge solutions in Generative AI.

  • Other Developments icon

    Machine Learning Operations

    Efficiently managing and deploying machine learning models.

  • mobile app icon

    Data Analysis

    Providing insights through data analysis and developing data-driven apps.




  1. Bachelor of Science, University of Kelaniya

    2021 — 2024

    Major in Statistics, Computer Science & Mathematics

  2. Maliyadeve College, GCE A/L

    2016 — 2019

Technical Skills

  1. Programming Languages

    Java, C, C#, Python, R

  2. Libraries & Frameworks

    Python, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Keras, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Excel, Power BI, LangChain, Llama Index

  3. Backend Development in Python

    FastAPI, Flask

  4. Cloud Deployments basics

    AWS, Azure

  5. Machine Learning Operations Intermediate

  6. Generative AI & LLM Operations Intermediate

Professional Certificates

  1. Python for Data Science, AI & Development – IBM

  2. Introduction to Large Language Models

  3. Introduction to Generative AI

  4. Introduction to Responsible AI

  5. Data Science Methodology – IBM

  6. Tools for Data Science – IBM

  7. What is Data Science? – IBM

  8. Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps)



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